Back-to-Office Recommendations
Understanding occupancy during the Back-to-Office phase is essential to calibrate the communication to employees and management. We have developed the Back-to-Office Recommendations card as a powerful opportunity insight tool to assist workplace and office managers.

Why a Back-to-Office recommendations?
Data is always a nice thing, but it is also difficult to handle and understand. Generating insights out of data is generally difficult and, let’s face it, only a few have the time for it.
At Basking, we see ourselves as your extended analytics team for Real Estate. This means that it is our responsibility to analyze the office occupancy data and understand what possible actions can be taken. Insights are always focused on specific actions, and the goal we have with this card is to understand how much more the team can use the office during the back-to-office phase.
Which recommendations do I get?
Basically, we create clarity about:
- how people are using the office
- how much more the team can use the office
- meeting occupancy constraints like the adjusted capacity or social distancing.
Increase in Allowance

The Back-to-Office Opportunity Card will explain how much more the team can use the office (Increase in Allowance). Depending on the office’s current restrictions, the multiplier number can mean:
1. Allow more employees to work from the office
It is safe to allow more than the current restricted employees to work from the office, provided they behave similarly to the current occupants.
2. Allow your employees to work more days from the office
It is safe to allow your current restricted employees to increase the average time they spend at the office.
3. Mix: more employes and more time
Alternatively, a mix of the 2 previous options is possible: to allow more employees to spend more time at the office.
What is the estimated impact of the proposed changes?

We propose to increase the the allowances in the office depending on the real occupancy. If there is an opportunity for your office, we will also estimate what would happen if you take action to optimize the Back-to-Office phase.
We will calculate the Average Peak Occupancy, which represents the average of daily peaks as a rate of Adjusted Capacity. The long term occupancy metric explains how well the office is utilized over a long period of time. This metric should not go above the Target Occupancy value, which can be set in the office’s settings and typically is 85%.
The expected value for the Max Occupancy, as a rate of Adjusted Capacity, shows the extreme event with the highest occupancy of the lasat 3 months and should not be significantly above 100%. Note that a value slightly higher than 100% is possible to accommodate for special events.