[HEAD TO HEAD] Corporate Real Estate in Hybrid Times: From Surviving to Thriving

Join us as we engage with heads of real estate in a frank conversation about the executive-level CRE experience. Exploring old and new challenges alike, discussions will range from identifying and attaining the right data to support decisions, being understaffed and doing more with less, increased departmental visibility post-COVID, and cross-functional prioritization and collaboration.
Basking CEO Eldar Gizzatov interviews industry icons and CRE executives regarding the secrets and challenges of the role, beginning with inaugural guest David Mirmelli, Head Real Estate at Fortinet. With over 25 years of experience in corporate real estate and management, David has built his career around a data-based approach grounded in curiosity. His openness to change began with leveraging IP data in its infancy and has evolved into a talent for building innovative workplaces.
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