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Portfolio Management Report: Unlocking Your Real Estate Portfolio’s Potential

  • Date: April 25, 2023
  • by Rebecca Cooper

Gain Comprehensive Insights

As a real estate manager, optimizing the utilization of office spaces across various regions can be challenging. The Portfolio Management Report is a powerful tool designed to provide real estate managers with a comprehensive overview of office utilization trends across their portfolio, highlighting sites with the greatest potential for optimization. In addition to providing insights into the utilization of different sites, the report also provides duration, frequency, and weekdays for office visits in each region.

The Portfolio Management Report is a new, complementing our series of fully automated reports based on office occupancy data for office space.

Key Features

The report delivers valuable insights to help managers make informed decisions. Here are some of its key features:

Global Overview

The Portfolio Management Report provides a global overview of office utilization trends across all regions in the portfolio. Managers can quickly identify underutilized sites, and make informed decisions to improve their occupancy rate.

Key Insights in the portfolio management report optimization

Most Utilized Locations

The report provides insights into the top most utilized locations in the portfolio. Managers can manage occupancy, extend leases, and increase space in these locations to meet the growing demand for flexible workspaces.

Most Underutilized Locations

The report also highlights the top most unutilized locations in the portfolio. Managers can consolidate these sites, renegotiate leases, or even exit them to reduce costs.

Potential for Optimization

By analyzing the data provided in the report, managers can identify key sites that require their attention. They can explore opportunities for consolidation, back-to-office growth, lease renegotiation, or even exiting the site entirely. - Portfolio Rightsizing and Optimisation Report Recommendations

Bottom line

With the Portfolio Management Report, real estate managers can make informed decisions about how to optimize their portfolio, maximize occupancy rates, and reduce costs. By gaining comprehensive insights into their real estate portfolio, managers can create a more efficient and productive workplace, while increasing their bottom line.

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