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Understand what are the most Popular Weekdays in your office

  • Date: May 3, 2022
  • by Rebecca Cooper

In addition to the Frequency of Visits and the Duration of Visits, the Popular Weekdays of an office is an important behavior metric that explains which day of the week is the most visited by the employees.

The Analytics Tab just got a new metric: the Popular Weekdays. It is based on all the visits to an office for a period of time and shows the distribution by day of the week.

Understanding employee’s most and least preferred days for office visits allow real estate executives make informed decisions on bringing people back to the offices. Additionally, it supports workplace managers control the midweek peaks observed in offices across the world.

Therefore, the Popular Weekdays metric is an important addition to our existing occupancy metrics (Frequency of Visits and the Duration of Visits) and allows to fully see the picture of hybrid work adoption at a particular office and track its progress over time.

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