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Understand the frequency of visits to your office

  • Date: September 2, 2021
  • by Rebecca Cooper

How often do employees come to the office? How long do they stay? How many offices do they visit regularly? As a workplace manager, you should know the answers to these basic questions. Why? simply because if you don’t, it means that you don’t really understand how your office is being used.

We announced a few weeks back a new tool that helps you understand the duration of visits in the office. Today we are announcing another important metric: the frequency of visits.

Frequency of visits to the office

The new metric Frequency of Visits unveils important characteristics of your population’s behaviour, alongside the duration of visits.

Understanding the population’s behaviour is critical for assessing your real office needs. A high degree of mobility, represented by a low frequency of visits, influences not only the amount of space you really need. It also has an impact on the required organization, amenities and IT policies. The lower the frequency of visits, the more successful a desk sharing approach can be.

As Hines puts it:

What may seem like a moment to reduce floor space and cut costs should be seen as a golden opportunity to embark upon a data-enabled reevaluation of company culture, identity and purpose in order to unlock the highest possible return on investment. This will empower companies to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how work is performed, what drives talent engagement and the untapped potential of the physical destination—or what we call an office.

Biernbaum, Journo and Edmunds from Hines

Consider the following real-life examples. The interpretation of these examples strongly depends on your goals as a CRE manager.

Office with low frequency of visits - Low frequency of visits
Occupancy Behaviour — Frequency of Visits — Office with LOW frequency of visits

People in this office come on average 2 days per week. Most probably a work-from-home policy is in place, and if not it should!

Office with high frequency of visits - High frequency of visits
Occupancy Behaviour — Frequency of Visits — Office with HIGH frequency of visits

In contrast, the analysed office shows a much higher frequency of visits, averaging at 4 visits per day but peaking at 5. There is even a small population that visit the office on the weekend. Nevertheless, there is still a large population that works remotely.

What’s Next?

Understanding the population’s behaviour is critical for assessing your real office needs. We are committed to generating insights out of our workplace occupancy data. Therefore, our aim is to generate comprehensive reports out of the frequency of visits. Especially together with the duration of visits, these metrics are very strong and useful.

Contact Basking

Basking is a customer-driven company. Our product evolves based on user’s feedback. Please contact us if you wish to know more or have ideas on how to improve on this part of the product.

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